I) Education of under-privileged children through:-
- School uniforms and shoes
- School fees
- School backpacks
- Exercise books, pens other stationery
- Textbooks
- Shelter for severe needs
- Psycho-social support
- School block under construction.
II) Support to under-privileged families through: -
- Vegetable gardening skills training
- Vegetable gardening shade nets
- Seeds and seedlings
- Farm tools and implements
- Market linkage
- Value addition
- Water tanks for rainwater harvesting and storage
- Gutters for rainwater harvesting.
III) Support to youth through: -
- College tuition fees
- Hostel accommodation and subsistence
- Life skills training such as computer training
- Psychosocial sensitization and awareness
- Sensitization on Human rights.
Tropical Focus for Rural Development in partnership with Woven Foundation are empowering youth through Human Rights program that prepares the youths' future on economic, social, political and spiritual dynamics strongly based on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR).
Key beneficiarie are under-privileged children, youth, women, poor households/families:-
Members of the community, the family unit and under-privileged individuals are targeted in an integrated holistic approach that address each according to specific needs which can be unique or common to a number of beneficiaries.
This means that Tropical Focus applies needs for MDG goals for eradication of poverty, zero hunger, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth and climate action depending on the circumstances of the individual, family or/and community. Commonly the challenges are compounded.
Tropical Focus For Rural Development lays special emphasis on utilization of local resources available within targeted community
- Holistic, integrated strategies for community
- Land
- The people
- Natural springs, vegetation, climate, animal life
- Traditional life an culture
- Finances and others.
AELSP aims at improving education opportunities, incomes and food security for under-privileged families. The project targets orphans, under-privileged youth, poor families, widows, disabled individuals and families, through support with school fees and levies, school uniforms, children rescue shelter, youth mentorship, youth life skills, vegetable gardening, crop produce value addition and market linkage in Kisumu, Kenya.
Project aims at improving incomes, food security and environment conservation for under-privileged families. The project targets orphans, under-privileged youth, poor families, widows, disabled individuals and families through support with rain harvesting water tanks, vegetable gardening shade nets, construction of micro fish ponds and integrated permaculture practices in Kisumu, Kenya.